Our award winning team of Osteopaths work in our two Hong Kong clinics, at Central and at Stanley. We treat common, complex and chronic conditions. Same day appointments are available.


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What is Osteopathy? 

Osteopathy is a gentle, yet effective manual treatment that heals the human body as a single unit to restore health and function. Osteopaths are highly successful in treating a wide range of physical ailments, injuries and conditions including neck and back pain.

With their in-depth knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology, Osteopaths will address the cause of your dysfunction, by treating your musculoskeletal complaints as well as any visceral dysfunctions and systemic issues. As a form of manual medicine that recognizes the important link between the structure of the body and the way it functions, Osteopaths focus on how your skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, circulation, connective tissue and internal organs function as a holistic unit.

Osteopaths managing neck and back pain, provide a skilled evaluation, diagnosis and a wide range of hands-on techniques. Osteopaths can identify dysfunction in your body and treat the area using techniques such as stretching and massage for general treatment of the soft tissue (Muscle, Tendons, Ligaments) along with mobilisation of specific joints and soft tissues. Headaches, vertigo, sciatica, and vertigo are just a few of the referred symptoms often associated with neck and back pain that can also be treated as a whole.

Our highly experienced and friendly Osteopaths will help bring your body back to it's natural state by treating the root cause.


What conditions do osteopaths treat?

  • Upper and Lower Back Pain

  • Ankle and Foot Pain

  • Headaches

  • Hip Pain

  • Knee Pain

  • Neck Pain

  • Pregnancy Pains

  • Sciatica

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Sports Injury

  • Jaw Pain

  • Wrist and Elbow Pain

  • Concussions



Our awards & recognitions:

 Damien Mouellic best Osteopath Liv Wellness and Lifestyle Awards 2022 Little Steps BADGE Central and Stanley WellnessOsteopath Gold 2024RCA2023 DECALS GOLD HK NEW DIGITAL78Expat Living Best Osteo 2022 DecalRCA DECALS 2021 HK BRONZE BestOsteo2021



Service Practitioners

Dr Damien Mouellic

Dr Damien Mouellic

B.sc.(Clin. Sc. ), M.H.Sc. (Osteo), M.A.O.A., H.K.O.A.
Guillaume Giroud

Guillaume Giroud

BOst., MOst, H.K.O.A
Charlotte Goodwin

Charlotte Goodwin

M.Ost, DO, ND (UK)
Jean-Christophe Monnerville

Jean-Christophe Monnerville

Emma Le Roux

Emma Le Roux

M’Ost, HKOA, GOsC UK registered Osteopath Yoga teacher

Book Appointment

phone 32866 0287 

whatsapp 36801 7513

email 3reception@stanleywellnesscentre.com


Central Wellness. 6/F, 15 On Lan St, Central, HK


Stanley Wellness. G/F, 120 Stanley Main St, HK

  •   G/F 120 Stanley Main St.
  •     Stanley Market, Stanley, Hong Kong
  •  2372 9700
  •  6805 7307
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  •  6/F On Lan Centre, 15 On Lan St.
  •     Central, Hong Kong
  •  2866 0287
  •  6801 7513
  •  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Little Steps BADGE Central and Stanley Wellness

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