Thursday, 16 January 2020
Dr Damien Mouellic
Over stressed muscles are more prone to injury. Give them time to rest! Osteopath Damien Mouellic offers some helpful tips and advice to help prevent injuries.
Friday, 30 November 2018
Osteopathy pregnancy womens health
On average a women will experience about 450 cycles in her lifetime. And twice during each cycle, once in the middle and then again around her period her immune response is lowered, her ligaments become laxer and her risk of infection and injury is therefore increased. Add that on top of busy lives, it’s not surprising that by age 38 a lot of women are starting to struggle with their health. But let’s focus on the positives!
Saturday, 29 September 2018
Dr Damien Mouellic
Birthing is a beautiful process where we often overlook the pressure the baby withstands and that is often related to the issues they suffer after the birth and growing up. The stress of it can cause colic, difficulty feeding, sleep problems and other issues.
Wednesday, 17 January 2018
back pain Osteopathy posture
The official figures report that 80% of Hong Kong's workforce suffered or are suffering regularly from back pain.
In my experience, the figure is even higher. My latest sample showed that 100% of workers regularly suffer from back, neck and shoulder tension and pain. Back pain, together with anxiety and depression are the top causes for days off in Hong Kong. Why do so many have pain issues?
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
back pain Osteopathy posture
With slouching, text neck and scoliosis seemingly being the norm today I was duly surprised by this newspaper clipping my parents sent about my former ballet teacher who just turned 90.
She looks more upright and energetic than most 40 year olds!
What is her secret?
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Dr Damien Mouellic
Millions of people in Hong kong are using their mobile devices dozens of times a day, arching their necks as they stare downwards to send a message or search for information online.
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Dr Damien Mouellic
An Osteopath doesn’t just treat a painful back or knee, but the body as a whole, addressing the underlying causes or biomechanics and preventing re-occurrence.