Screen Time and The Sleep Cycle - Osteo Katie's Tips For a Healthy Sleep
If you’re struggling with a healthy sleep cycle this past year, you’re not alone. Whether it’s school via Zoom or working from home, we’re all spending a lot more time on screens lately! This article by our Osteo Katherine in PLAYTIMES MAGAZINE might help you recognize how time spent on devices might be impacting you and your family's sleep quality, and what you can do about it!
Some of the things Katherine suggests you can do for yourself and your kids at home:
Reduce blue light exposure as much as possible: many devices now have settings where you can eliminate the blue light. Anti-blue light glasses are also available.
Create a nighttime routine for the whole family that eliminates electronics at least 1-2 hours before bedtime
Take a warm shower, read a book, meditate or stretch before bed
Make the bedroom a technology-free sanctuary to avoid the temptation to send that last email or message!
See an Osteopath. The musculoskeletal, nervous, and even visceral systems are areas that an Osteopath will assess and treat. This can be done through both structural and cranial work, and then supported with supplementary advice to utilize at home. Mindfulness, meditation, and exercise can all be beneficial in restoring sleep and will be recommended appropriately by your osteopath.
Do not hesitate to see what an Osteopath can do to help!