Homeopathic tips for surviving the holiday season
Here we are in the midst of the party season again, and suddenly winter weather has arrived with falling temperatures, wind and driving rain. Yet all public transport is still air conditioned?
Travelling home in the wet, and (relative) cold, sitting in a draughty air conditioned bus or MTR carriage, plus overtired from late nights wining and dining at crowded office parties? A perfect formula for catching a viral or bacterial upper respiratory tract infection (URTI).
Homeopathic medicine is an effective and quick treatment for common symptoms associated with URTIs. You just need to know which one to take. There are thousands of homeopathic medicines to choose from. Below I have listed a few common ones. If the remedy doesn’t improve your symptoms, please don’t dismiss Homeopathy as not working. You will need a more specific remedy for your symptoms so seek professional advice! The correctly prescribed Homeopathic remedy may prevent a trip to your doctor.
Also take high doses of Vitamin C during the period of your cold, drink lots of fluids, take as much rest as you can, and eat simple nutritious food including lots of fruit and vegetables.
Ferrum Phos
For first stages of acute throat infections. Take at the first sign of a sore or scratchy throat and slight rise in temperature. This remedy can prevent the symptoms developing into a full blown cold or flu if taken quickly.
You have missed the moment and you are sneezing, and sneezing, eyes are watering, and the nose won’t stop running with watery coryza. No temperature though.
Allium Cepa
Helps to relieve copious watery nasal discharge and watery eyes. Also useful for hayfever or rhinitis.
Can be helpful if you are feeling mildly feverish, chilly and a bit anxious? Useful for low grade fevers during colds and coughs.
Nux Vomica
Feeling chilly, irritable, with a raw throat or larynx? Violent sneezing and fluent nasal discharge worse during the day? Try this widely used remedy to alleviate your symptoms.
Also this remedy has an affinity to the digestion so if you are suffering from seasonal over indulgence with indigestion, constipation, headaches and irritability consider taking a dose or two until you feel better. After a heavy night out take one dose before bed , as well as rehydrating with lots of water. Repeat the next day if necessary.
If your immune system is weak and you often suffer from an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection consider having a Homeopathic Health review. This will entail reviewing your medical history, diet, lifestyle choices, and temperament in order to prescribe an individual Homeopathic remedy which will strengthen your immunity, improve energy, and help heal any chronic health issues.
For detailed professional Homeopathic advice please book an appointment with Mina Weight RS Hom (UK).Mina is available at Stanley Wellness Centre on Monday and Friday mornings.
NB 20% off first appointments if booked between now and Chinese New Year 2016.
We had used Homeopathy in Australia but when we moved Hong Kong we were delighted to learn that Mina, the Homeopath was a neighbour. I have 2 daughters aged 4 & 7, and whenever I or the kids have suffered from coughs and colds we have gone to Mina for Homeopathy. The remedies have really helped ~ my kids have not had to consult the doctor or be on antibiotics like a lot of my friends’ children. We would always try Homeopathy first before going to the doctor.
Mrs Alison Harrison Big Wave Bay, Shek O
My son was diagnosed with a rare lung condition when he was 3 weeks old. The lung did not develop correctly, causing extreme shortness of breath. He has now had an operation to remove 2/3 of his diseased lung which has dramatically improved his condition but as a result he does often suffer from a weak chest when it comes to colds and flu. In the past we have had to use a Ventolin inhaler and nebulizer to help him to breathe.
For almost a year now we have used homoeopathic remedies at the onset of a cold to help reduce the chance of the infection going to the chest- I am happy to say so far so good! I also keep a homoeopathic first aid kit at home which has proved to be of great use for other ailments such as bumps and bruises for my son but also for my husband and I!!
As we have seen our fair share of doctors in our son's first years we always look to alternative, homoeopathic remedies before visiting the GP"! Mrs L Big Wave Bay, Shek O