Headaches: can Osteopathy Help?
Headaches are an extremely common, and often debilitating condition. The World Health Organisation estimates that whilst nearly 50% of the population have suffered from at least one headache over the past year, only a minority will seek out medical help.
Often, headaches can be caused or contributed by tensions and restrictions in the neck. These can present themselves in several ways, but most commonly either as a band around the head or on one side of the skull. Even problems in the structures around the jaw can cause or exacerbate headaches. As such, finding the true cause is important in effectively managing the problem.
Osteopaths will go through a thorough examination, and when appropriate, treat relevant areas of the body. This can be done through manipulation, soft tissue work and stretches. Additionally, exercises and supplementary lifestyle advice can be given to help reduce and even eradicate headaches. Many people suffer from chronic headaches, and giving the individual the tools to prevent suffering in the future can allow them to function better on a daily basis.
Feel free to send any questions our way! And to book an appointment with Osteopath Katie Bond-Webster you can get in touch with us on 2866 0287 (Central) / 23729700 (Stanley) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.